Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Completed Helmet Alert - Noble Studios RED DOG-3

The RED DOG-3 Helmet was built by Noble Studio. It was a collaboration between Lawrence Noble and his long time Apprentice, Shane Curran. It is a debut work for Shane and Noble Studio couldn’t be prouder of his efforts.

      After discussions about basic concept and direction, as well as several trips to thrift stores, antique shops and the local hardware store, we had several meetings about what to use and how it should work. Shane produced concept sketches based on our talks. We reviewed the sketches, tightening up our ideas, and then proceeded to apply the pieces we found to the helmet. We wanted it to look like everything we added had a purpose, or reason for being. The dreadlocks at one time, were part of Shane’s hair. When he cut them off, he saved them, and I think we put them to good use! 

     As far as materials, we used a real variety. Leather, brass, plastic. copper and black walnut were predominate. Acrylic paint was applied to the basic form of the helmet, and found objects (boy, those were wonderful surprises!) made a huge difference. I think the addition of real human hair added another level and dimension.

    The entire process took about 60 man hours, including false turns and deliberation. We allowed the freedom to change our minds in deference to a more rewarding solution done differently than first imagined… I think that set up a scenario that allowed “Art” to unfold. All along the way, Shane displayed an open mind and determination that was rewarding to see and, I believe, we came up with a helmet and a backstory about the character Red Dog-3  that we can all be proud of!

    This effort, on behalf of the 501st and the “Make a Wish Foundation”
afforded a sweet opportunity for Noble Studio to embark on a dream…

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